Mark Williams


Chief Marketing Officer, People First


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Can the quantified self serve the full self? Mark wholeheartedly believes the answer is yes. From his previous positions in talent management and human resources to his present role as chief marketing officer, he has long been concerned with people's increasing disengagement and lack of happiness at work. Nine out of ten workers globally are not engaged in their work—with serious implications not only for business productivity and growth, but cultural and individual health and happiness, too.

Although a self-acclaimed tech skeptic, Mark now thinks that only by creating tailored experiences which engage the "whole" person can we solve the critical and widespread problem of disengaged workforces, as well as empowering independent workers to navigate the transient, super-flexible work structures of tomorrow. His company, people first, uses AI to gather behavioral insights and personal data to do just that—while respecting and safeguarding users’ privacy through a strict built-in privacy protocol.