Speaking beautiful business

Masters of Business Arts, our podcast, features in-depth conversations with leaders from business, tech, humanities, and the arts. You can listen to it on iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastPocket Cast, and Anchor.


Tim Leberecht in conversation with the poet and former principal writer for Apple’s Siri

Mariana Lin


the CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation in Conversation with the co-founder and CEO of More in Common

Katherine Maher and Mathieu Lefèvre


Monika Jiang in conversation with venture capitalist

Yichen Feng

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Workers Power, New Metrics, and Expressing Your Art


Tim Leberecht in conversation with the author

Pico Iyer

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Learning from Shinto, Shared Silence, and Ping Pong


Monika Jiang in conversation with the founding Partner of Lunar Ventures

Elad Verbin


The Second Age of Cyperpunk


Monika Jiang in conversation with the creative director of Waltz Binaire

Christian Mio Loclair


Where Humans and Machines Dance


Upcoming episodes


Tim Leberecht in conversation with the author of Quiet and founder of the Quiet Revolution

Susan Cain

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The Great Longing

Coming soon