Mykel Dixon

Enterprise Artist

Speaker, Author, Creative Facilitator

Melbourne, Australia

Mykel believes that the future of business belongs to the artists.

Three business secrets from Mykel right off the bat: creativity is the strongest economic currency, experience is the new cost of entry, and human is the only meaningful strategy.

A jazz musician by trade and a wanderer by nature, Mykel is fiercely nonconformist and prolifically anti-perfectionist. Mykel helps people and organizations thrive by rediscovering their creative confidence, reimagining their creative potential, and reinventing themselves. As the author of two books, Just Do Something (2016) and Enterprise Artistry: A Brave New Paradigm for a Bold New World (2018), Mykel is fascinated by unlocking personal and professional artistry. His latest project, The Art of Everything, requires that he produce and publish a new short film documenting his progress in these areas every week for five years, allowing the world to follow along.

He’s also a celebrated piano man, and we'll make sure to provide him with one at the House.
