Dijana Galijasevic and Diogo Teixeira


Founders of cour·age


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While they come from very different places, both Dijana and Diogo take an experimental approach to social innovation.

Dijana is an organizational development strategist and extroverted introvert living between Ljubljana and Berlin. In 2016, she co-initiated Positive Business Lab, a movement that seeks to integrate human wholeness into organizations with a spirit of kindness, experimentation, and authenticity. This year, she co-founded a free-form seminar-retreat called Exponentially Human that offers transformative experiences for leaders who seek to become purposeful, personal, and compassionate in time of exponential change. She is pursuing her PhD in Ethics in Business with a focus on kindness as a virtue in business leadership. 

Diogo is a Portuguese urban designer, researcher, and educator based in Lisbon. He, too, has a strong entrepreneurial streak and co-founded Beta-i, which has become one of the largest entrepreneurship and innovation organizations in Europe. In addition to his teaching and civil engineering work, Diogo is an active researcher with a particular interest in affect and public space. Through a number of international projects, he explores how architecture can create emotional attachment to a place.

Both of them believe in collaboration, transdisciplinary dialogue, and learning by doing, principles made manifest in their contribution to this year’s event. Dijana and Diogo are creating a participatory art installation for the House that may make our hearts skip a beat…




