Clare Jones


CCO, what3words



As the CCO of the startup what3words, Clare and her collaborators have created a new way to help find our place in the world, literally. what3words is the world's first addressing system designed for voice—every 3m x 3m square in the world has been assigned an address made of just three words from the dictionary. These 3-word addresses can be used to route cars or drones, used as an address when ordering online, or simply given as a meeting point for a picnic in the park. what3words is used in 170 countries and being adopted by governments all around the world as an official addressing system.

From working with the London-based impact investment firm ClearlySo to setting up the youth employment initiative 2nd Chance, Clare has always been involved with social enterprise and impact investing. She serves as non-executive director on the board of various social enterprises in the U.K. and also volunteers with the Spires Streetlink project, doing night-time health outreach for street-based sex workers in London.