Artistic Intelligence




Artistic Intelligence was founded with the intention of raising the consciousness of our economy. The five creators, Silke Bartsch, Simon Berkler, Karoline Rütter, Susanne Schirdewahn, and Romas Stukenberg, forge relationships between leaders in the arts and humanities and business. Representing a diverse set of backgrounds in organizational development, brand, design, and fine arts, they appreciate both the corporate world as well as the cosmos of the arts.

An ensemble of passionate believers in the necessity of fourfold value creation in companies, incorporating profit, people, planet, and poetry, Artistic Intelligence uses their practice to advance the work on business challenges, including questions of self-leadership organizational relations, innovation, and strategic positioning.

This November, Artistic Intelligence will physically embody the spirit of the House of Beautiful Business, which is meant to be a temple of muses. A dedicated space—the Museum of Beautiful Business—will invite all attendees to explore, through hands-on experiences, what makes business genuinely human and beautiful.