Ali Randel and Kathryn Maloney


Partners, The Ready

New York


Every person and organization runs on a unique operating system—a set of implicit rules, assumptions, values, and expectations that direct the way we live, work, create and play. As organization designers and management consultants at The Ready, Ali and Kathryn help their clients become aware of these phenomena, and make their systems more responsive, valuable, and meaningful.

Informed by her study of psychology and organizational behavior, Ali cares deeply about making individuals and organizations aware of their capacity to change. She works to help people understand the malleability of organizations and recognize the power they have when they design them with intention. Ali loves how small yet practical surprises can create lasting change.

Resilient and deeply creative humans are at the foundation of any organization’s operating system: this is a truth that Kathryn holds dear. By inspiring a committed few to change the way they meet, learn, think, and be pointed in their ask, a ripple effect is initiated, finds spread in the system, and a different discourse begins. Kathryn loves waking up each day to help further that conversation.

Together, they will help us think about our own OS programming—as individuals and in our organizations— in their “Find Your OS” session on Tuesday at the House.